De Candelaer is a small factory in the centre of Delft which still produces her own pottery, everything is still painted by hand. Besides the traditional Delftware we also produce our own jewelry such as necklaces, bracelets, rings and earrings in traditional and modern style.
De Candelaer was founded in 1975 by Jan Stillebroer† and Ineke Stillebroer-Godefroy†. They produced with dedication until the end of 2006. Today, De Candelaer is owned by Steffan Delfos, a fourth-generation potter with 46 years of experience in the trade. He is responsible for the production, glazing, and firing of Delftware.
Anna is a master painter with over 55 years of experience, and Shirly is our new talent, specializing in creating hand-painted Delft jewelry, including bracelets, earrings, rings, and necklaces.
Each piece is entirely hand-painted and marked with the initials of the painter and the potter, as well as a production year code. All items are crafted in our factory and come with two certificates: one from the factory and one from the Chamber of Commerce Delft. These certificates guarantee that each item is authentically produced and painted in our Delft factory.
Delft Blue
Delft Blue is the world-famous pottery that has been produced in the city of Delft since the 17th century. Between 1600 and 1800, it was popular among rich families who would show off their Delft Blue collections to one another.
Although the Delftware potters preferred to call their pottery “porcelain”, it was only a cheaper version of the real Chinese porcelain. Delft Blue was not made from the typical porcelain clay, but from clay that was coated with a tin glaze after it was fired. In spite of this, Delft Blue achieved unrivalled popularity, and at its peak, there were 33 factories in Delft.
Our store
Our store is located in the exquisite medieval centre of Delft. Delft is a hugely popular Dutch day-trip destination, with visitors flocking to stroll its narrow, canal-lined streets, gazing at the remarkable architecture. Delft is synonymous with its famous Delftware, the distinctive blue-and-white pottery originally duplicated from Chinese porcelain by 17th-century artisans.
Founded around 1100, Delft grew rich from weaving and trade in the 13th and 14th centuries. In the 15th century a canal was dug to the Maas river, and the small port there, Delfshaven, was eventually absorbed by Rotterdam. Today it has a thriving university which is renowned for its architecture faculty.

Take a virtual tour
De Candelaer
Kerkstraat 13A
2611 GX Delft
The Netherlands
openings hours low season
Monday – Friday 10.00 – 16.00
Saturday 10.00 -15.00
Sunday closed
T +31 15 213 18 48
E info@candelaer.nl
KVK 68907079
BTW nr NL001982378B75